Bringing Down a Hero

That pic of Joshua Patrick was taken by myself in San Diego. If you know anything about Joshua Patrick, you know that Roger Clemens has been someone he's role modeled after. After all, Roger played for the University of Texas and helped them win a College World Series. Josh used to play as a kid pretending to be Roger...well trying to pitch like him. Josh is cocky like Roger. Josh has 'the stuff' like Roger. But Roger ain't J.P. It will be an interesting match in more ways than the obvious ones. A Texan against a Texan. Ex-Red Sox pitcher vs. a current one.
Make no mistake...tomorrow night when the game starts, there's only one true Texan who'll take the mound in Yankee Stadium: Joshua Patrick Beckett...born and raised in Southeast Texas. Attended school all his life around Spring and played little league throughout high school there. Clemens was born and raised in Ohio and didn't move to Texas till his high school years. So although he attended UT (or tu as Texas A&M fans call it), he ain't no Texan.
The HUGE reason this will be an interesting match for me is Roger is THE reason I am a Red Sox fan....and until this past year I had defended him. But when he decided to unretire AGAIN and go to the turned my stomach and I turned my soul away. Josh Beckett is the TEX-Man of the Hour as far as I'm concerned. I don't need a player to keep me a Red Sox fan...I'm here and staying. I'm a loyal Texan and I'll root for the Texas boys who come and go....but I'll live and die a Red Sox fan.
This post is dedicated to all my Sistahs and others who patiently waited for my deliverance from the fat one. It took some time I know but thanks for smiling while ya poked yourself in the eye when I'd post his pics and talk lovingly about him. HEY BECKETT...when you take the mound tonight WIN it for MY SISTAHS!! and Win it For ME!!
So at 7:05p.m., when the game starts....don't be fooled by the razzle dazzle the Yanks try to pull over your eyes....Roger ain't no Texan and he ain't no friend of mine.
//This post is dedicated to all my Sistahs and others who patiently waited for my deliverance from the fat one. It took some time I know but thanks for smiling while ya poked yourself in the eye when I'd post his pics and talk lovingly about him. HEY BECKETT...when you take the mound tonight WIN it for MY SISTAHS!! and Win it For ME!!//
Joshua Patrick won't disappoint!
I thought ya'd like that comment :)
J.P. is taking HIM DOWN!
Before the season began in 1989, I bought 4 very good seats to a game at the Ballpark in Arlington (or whatever they called it back then) for a game on Sunday, April 30. It turned out to be the first match-up between Roger Clemens and his childhood hero, Nolan Ryan. It was a great game even though my young children were a little bored watching a pitchers duel.
The master prevailed and won the game 2-1. Tonight, I want to see the student win.
Get your Texas flag out and wave it for the true Texan!
Flag is OUT and waiting. besides Im the KickASS Chick of the Fuck YOu Brigade :)
If I was going up against my hero (who happens to be Superman). I definitely would want to show him my stuff and show him that having him as a role model made me a better super hero!
Josh will do the same tonight in NY!
They'll be no sweep in the city that never sleeps this week ny friends!
//If I was going up against my hero (who happens to be Superman).//
I love Red Sox fans!
Roger(Andy's GF)is also known as "The Dayton Doughnut", is no Texan:
In fact GHW Bush & Dubya are from New England
W'm Roger Clemens was born in Columbus, OH, & grew up in Dayton, OH:
He moved to TX @ age 15;
He's no more Texan than George H W Bush is.
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