A Cell Phone Rings at McAfee Coliseum
(looks at phone) I don't recognize this number. (answers) Hello?
Hel-loooo, is anyone there?
(whispering) You worthless, ungrateful lout. I can't believe you did this to me...
What? Hey, who is this?
Shut up, punk. I'm doing the talking here. I can't believe I rearranged my life just to watch you pitch, and for what, to see my team be humiliated...
Hey lady, I don't know what you want or even who you are...
You don't know who I am? YOU DON'T KNOW WHO I AM??? I'll tell you who I am. I'm the one who went to bed at 7:00 last night just so I could get up and watch you make your stupid little start in the middle of the night. If I had known how badly you'd screw it up, I wouldn't have gone through the trouble.
Screw it up? I was great!
Sure you were, Mr. Big Shot, and that's the problem. The Red Sox rescued you from the Mets' Rule 5 scrap heap, gave you a chance to pitch when you sucked wind, even gave you a World Series ring, and what thanks do they get? You shut them out for seven innings. You should be ashamed of yourself. I swear, I oughtta...
Wait a minute...your voice sounds familiar. Who is this? Do I know you?
Oh, how soon they forget. Maybe this rings a bell. "Do me, Lenny" (clap, clap, clap clap clap)...
That's it! I knew I recognized your voice from somewhere. Hey, I thought you liked me!
"Liked" being the operative word, douchebag. Past tense. You had your chance and you blew it. If you can't show a little more loyalty, I'm banishing you forever from my erotic fantasies. (click)
(staring at the phone) Man, that was scary. What a psycho.